“We must all make the choice between
what is right and what is easy“

- Albus Dumbledore

A book written just for you

If you’re a young person entering the public sector, this book is written for you.

You’re here to make a difference. You believe in the common good, and you want your labour to matter.

You know that there’s so much good in the world that needs preserving, but you also know that a lot needs improving.

This book will show you how to do all of that, and so much more!

The public sector is how humanity delivers the best of itself into the world. Every department, authority, school, hospital, bureau, office, agency and more, in every town, city, state, country and region in the world, has the same fundamental goal - make their pocket of the world better.

Is there anything more noble?

In this book, two career public servants set out a clear, replicable formula that offers every new entrant to any public sector agency, anywhere on earth, a fast track to the kind of impact that they seek.

If that’s you (or your staff), then we can’t wait to shine a light on your path.

What people are saying about The Formula For Impact…


“I could have been so much more effective early in my career if I’d had this toolkit at my fingertips. The practical guidance in this book, a distillation of many years’ experience and study, is a real gift to the next generation of public servants.”

— Sarah O, Senior Advisor, Victorian Government Minister

“This book provides a fresh and invigorating view of the nature of public service. It lays out a theoretical framework that leads to practical decision making, based on the notion of public good.

'The Formula For Impact' empowers the new public servant to sensibly and respectfully question the status quo, thus overturning the stereotype of a slow, bloated and unresponsive bureaucracy.

Its thought leadership comes when most needed - at the beginning of their career - to create the foundation for a lifetime of true public service.”

— Kate T, HR Director, Victorian Government Department

“After 10 years in local government I often feel I’m hearing the same ideas. Your book is a breath of fresh air.”

— James L, Team Leader, Victorian Local Council


“ 'The Formula For Impact' makes it seem like I am talking with a friend at a bar, discussing the complexity and importance of being a public servant.”

— Joseph S, junior engineer, Victorian Local Council

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Case Studies


Kate was a senior state government assessor with a hostile attitude to management. Her new team leader, Natalie, was initially at a loss as to how to address Kate’s behavioural problems.

Through careful observation, Natalie eventually learned the source of Kate’s hostility - poor treatment at the hands of a past manager, which had ‘poisoned the well’.

After Natalie redressed some of her legitimate complaints, Kate’s attitude steadily improved. With Natalie’s coaching, Kate even secured a reclassification, and she was able to earn greater recognition across the region for her wisdom, insight and commitment to mentoring young staff.


To download the full case study, please complete the form below.

Case Study 2: Sean


Sean’s case study is coming soon

Sound good?